Is It Just Me?

LED digital clock radio with analog AM/FM radi...

LED digital clock radio with analog AM/FM radio tuning (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Has anyone else ever had one of those dreams where you wake up to the sound of your alarm clock, but when you go to hit the snooze bar, it doesn’t stop going off.  So, you physically turn it off, but it is still going off.  You unplug your alarm clock, but that doesn’t help.  You start getting frustrated because no matter what you do, the alarm won’t stop.  Worse yet, you are disturbing other people with the sound of your alarm clock.

It is usually at this point I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock, the sound of which I have somehow worked into whatever dream I was having when it went off.

About chyrondave

Avid comic reader, amateur writer, music fan, and someone with opinions, lots of opinions.

Posted on July 27, 2012, in Observation, Personal and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. I was having a rather intimate dream about a particular female celebrity that I find especially attractive. Just as things were starting to get really ‘interesting’ I heard a loud buzz and she disappeared. My alarm had woke me up. Needless to say I had to buy a new one.

    • Thankfully, that has not happened yet. Since I use my iPod as an alarm clock, I have had some dreams where the alarm is going off in public for some reason, but that’s been the worst.

  1. Pingback: a new alarm clock — the sound of a chair | Why Not Fathers?

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