Blog Archives

5 Things I Keep With Me For My Writing

English: penulis = writer

English: penulis = writer (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Any writer will tell you that inspiration can strike anywhere at any time.  Naturally, most writers will make sure that they are ready for these ideas whenever they may strike.

For me, there are 5 things I always keep with me to further my writing.

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Why It’s a Digital Future For Me… Kind Of

Nook and Wine

Nook and Wine (Photo credit: Let Ideas Compete)

Anyone who’s read this blog (and I know people read it, I’ve seen the stats… thank you) knows that I have gone digital, at least partially.  I have a first generation Nook and a Nook Tablet.  I supposed I could have gotten an iPad, but I did not feel like playing $500 for something I would only use for reading e-books and the occasional round of Bejeweled Blitz.

And, while I am not completely switched over to digital books, I am moving more and more into the digital realm… for the most part.

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Wish List Resolved

English: Logo for the Barnes & Noble Nook

Image via Wikipedia

Barnes and Noble is at least making progress towards resolving the wish list issue.  I can see mine again, though it is not working perfectly.

And, for the record, I had 423 entries towards the 500 entry limit.

Wishlist… Toasted

Image representing Barnes & Noble as depicted ...

Image via CrunchBase

My Barnes and Noble NookBook wish list just came up with the following error: The creation has reached the limit.  Now I can’t see anything on it.

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100 Books in 366 Days – The Gameplan

Jester reading a book

Image via Wikipedia

Yesterday, I announced my intention of reading 100 books this calendar year.  Assuming that there is no validity to the Mayan Calendar doom and gloom prophesy (which: A) doesn’t actually predict doom and gloom, and B) really just is not going to happen), that means that I will need to average completing a book every 3.66 days (since this is a leap year… wonder if the Mayans figured those in).

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