5 Signs That Maybe You Should Stop Dating

Valentine's Day Chocolate

Valentine’s Day Chocolate (Photo credit: kenleewrites)

With Valentine’s Day just around the corner and three blocks up, the world seems to be turning its eye to romance.

Yet, for a small group of people, Valentine’s Day is not a joy.  For those people, there are 5 tell-tale signs telling them that maybe the dating scene is not for them that they should heed.

  1. Women come up to you in bars to tell you they would never go out on a date with you.
  2. The free online dating service refunds your money and apologizes for not being able to help.
  3. You have a dream where you go out on a blind date and though things seem to go well, you later find out your date did not like you at all, thus telling you that even in your best dating dream, you are the bad blind date.
  4. You enter a room and every woman in it immediately claims to be married.
  5. Hallmark will not sell you any Valentine’s Day cards because of the petition that was filed about you.



Fun Ways to Celebrate Valentine’s Day Single (personalcreations.com)

About chyrondave

Avid comic reader, amateur writer, music fan, and someone with opinions, lots of opinions.

Posted on February 6, 2013, in Lists, Personal, The Fives and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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